Said Business School; Oxford
Dixon Jones
The Said Business School, Phase II
Technical Design
The new building consists of three floors above ground plus a basement level with car park, plant rooms and kitchen. The form of the building is a direct response to the site conditions, producing an 'L' shape plan of small teaching rooms facing North and West, enclosing three larger theatre rooms looking East through a linear cloister and towards the garden and the interior of the site.
The entrance facade addresses the station square to the South. The new building will be physically connected to existing Business School at Ground and First floor level.
Client : Wafic Rida Said & University of Oxford.
Solutions and my role : to execute 2D and 3D CAD drawings concerning the interiors for detail design and production work stages.
RIBA work stage: E.
LobbiesPlans and sections Construction Details | LobbiesPlans and sections | StaircaseCross Sections Walls details |
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